Sunday, January 2, 2011

Buh Bye!

To the holidays and 2010.

Christmas and New Years flew by in a haze here. Our tree was only decorated on the top half because Owen took all the ornaments off the bottom half. Everyone in our house gained the 5 expected holiday pounds and the boys are so wound up on sugar they are not sure which end is up anymore.

As of yesterday all the decorations are down and packed away....waiting for next year's crazy days. The boys have so many new toys they really don't know what to do with themselves.

Here are some pictures to sum everything up.

Hugh and Owen decorating wooden ornaments by painting them...

 Our tree...
Sharing snack time....
Goodies made...

 Christmas Breakfast (fritatta & cinnamon rolls) and dinner (ham)


First snow fall...

Visiting Santa...

  Visiting with Family...

Visiting with friends...

Naughty...(stolen broken candy cane from the tree)

Night before Christmas & new matching jammies...

Christmas morning and gifts....

Still nursing Owen at 19 months!...

Snuggling with Hugh while knitting!...

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