Monday, March 21, 2011

Huge News!

I have not been putting up any posts recently and for good reason. Everything in my life has changed a bit and everything I have been doing lately revolves around this change. For me it was easier to not put up any posts than to put up some half-assed ones that totally skirt what is going on.

For starters Owen weaned himself, I repainted the upstairs (what was my bedroom), bought Hugh a new big boy bed (full sized), gave the twin bed to Owen, Owen moved out of his crib into said twin bed, both boys moved upstairs and are now sharing a bedroom, and G and I moved into Owen's old bedroom.

All of this happened withing a short period of time because.....

.......We found out that BABY # 3 is on it's way! I'm pregnant again and due October 31st! Yep, a Halloween baby! I am 8 weeks and 1 day today. I had an ultra sound this morning and we saw a beautiful heartbeat of 157 bpm.

The blue blob is the heart beat. They turned on the doppler to see the blood flow. The baby is measuring right on track!

The musical rooms has to do with the fact that we only have 3 bedrooms in this old house and one bathroom. I swore that I would not go through another pregnancy going up and down those stairs all night long just to visit the bathroom. So the second that stick said positive I started painting. Then we hit the stores to buy a bed. I knew that if we were moving Owen upstairs we would not be moving the crib too. Just to get the crib out of the room it would have to be taken apart and we refused to put it back together again.

Owen weaned himself within a week of me finding out I was pregnant. He just started refusing. My opinion is that the taste changed because of the different hormones. It's just a guess though. Owen is doing fantastic in the big boy bed. Some nights he doesn't want to go to sleep but he has been pretty good about staying in bed.

I'm still in the middle of painting Owen's old room so G. and I can move in there. I'm hoping in the next few days to be all done and settled in our new room (right next to the bathroom!).

As for running....I still have not had a chance to go running. The day I found out I was pregnant (the day after Valentine's Day) I also go the flu. Our entire house got it and I never had a chance. I did get some awesome compression sleeves for my calf since that is not up to par yet either. I hope to go out sometime this week.


Claire said...

Congratulations on your new little bean!!!!

Anonymous said...

-Thats what the Engwall's say.

zapmamak said...

wow! Congrats! That's very good news :-)